Schibsted Talks - Om å være “a fearless force for change”

Nathalie Kåvin, som er Head of External Communication & Brand Management, forteller historien om Schibsted og Future State i episoden “Why did we need a rebranding of Schibsted”.

Millions of people have a touchpoint directly to Schibsted as a consumer brand and if you’re going to trust Schibsted with your data then you also need to know who Schibsted is.
— Nathalie Kåvin

På Mars jobber vi med mange spennende prosjekter - noen store og andre ganske små, noen for etablerte virksomheter og andre for helt nye. Hvert eneste prosjekt lærer vi av, og vi er stolte av å kunne bidra i viktige merkevarestrategiske prosesser.

Ett av prosjektene vi har jobbet med er Schibsted sitt Future State-prosjekt. Oppgaven var å definere hva Schibsted skal være i fremtiden – hva Schibsted må være, for å være i best mulig posisjon til å gjøre alt det Schibsted vil gjøre – altså en future state. Kommunikasjon- og strategiavdelingene eide prosjektet sammen. Det heier vi på her på Mars ettersom merkevarestrategi og forretningsstrategi er to sider av samme sak.

Her er noen highlights, men Nathalie forteller historien med stort engasjement og høyt tempo, så det beste er å høre hele podcasten:

Our former vision was Shaping the media of tomorrow, and we are much more than just a media company today.
The future state project came about, when a group of people from both strategy and communications sat down together and started interviewing people from all over Schibsted, and also with the help of an external agency called Mars, started to craft the work of what we call future state today, which is basically our purpose and who we are.
In the spring of 2021, we launched our overarching strategy and identity, which is also called Schibsted Future State. It defines what Schibsted is, should aim to be, what sets us apart as a company and why we exist. It’s what we want Schibsted to be in the hearts and minds of people connecting with us.
The reason for defining this is basically two-fold, for everyone working in Schibsted it’s about knowing where we are going and about providing a direction and inspiration for all, and for everyone else it’s about understanding what Schibsted is. A way to connect with people – internal and external stakeholders.
The customer will always have the strongest relationship with the brand that is giving the feature or service to them, right? So if you’re reading Svenska Dagbladet or you are buying a second hand couch on Finn, it’s Finn or Svenska Dagbladet that you have the relationship with. Schibsted’s overall identity and brand that we are now talking about, it’s not to replace each individual brand’s mission or strategy or values, its more to complement them and to create this bigger ecosystem, that we are larger than the sum of our parts.
— Nathalie Kåvin

Monna fra Mars skriver om bøker og stauder


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