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Cookie policy


Mars Brand Strategy uses cookies on this website. A cookie is a text file that is stored on the device you are browsing from. We are only allowed to store cookies that are necessary for our website to function optimally; for all others, we need your consent.

We use our own and third-party cookies to analyse the usage of our websites, as well as for marketing initiatives, for example, when downloading material from our website. Read more about how we store and process your data in our privacy statement.

The kind of cookies we make use of, in short:

We use HubSpot on our website. HubSpot is a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system. We also use this for web analytics, search engine optimization, and as a marketing platform.

The cookies are divided into categories: necessary, functional, analytical, marketing/advertising, and unclassified. You can read more about the different categories by selecting 'Cookie Settings' in the popup banner.

How to change your consent

When you visit our website for the first time, you can easily choose which cookies you wish to consent to by ticking the boxes. Some of the functions on our websites depend on cookies, and if you choose not to consent to the use of cookies, this may affect your experience on our websites in ways you did not anticipate.

If you wish to change your consent, you can click on the button below, and you will gain access to the popup menu again.